Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Over the Past few days...

Growing Closer to Him

Scripture: And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Reflection:  You may not always understand what's going on in your life but be patient remember that even through your problems He has a purpose for you.  

Duty: Continue to show God your love.  There is no better way to show someone how much you truly love them; than giving up your control and giving them all your trust and faith. 

Building the Temple

The CrossFit Open is here and has started.  Sunday I posted a score of 374 on workout 14.1, and put me in 62nd place in the South East Region.  Monday attempted to continue training at the fire station but work would not allow it.  Working at one of the busiest fire houses in Tuscaloosa makes it hard to train for any sport.  I got in some heavy squats with my buddy Drew.  I didn't do any pulling from the floor because my posterior chain was still smoked from Sunday's workout.  Attempted training Tuesday, but after only sleeping 1.5 hours at the fire house made for a rough day.  

No training 
A. Build to a heavy single Thruster in 10min
B. Find a heavy chest to bar pull up in 5 sets
5 rounds

5 Muscle Ups
20 WallBalls, 30#

A. 135, 155, 175, 185, 205, 215, 225 ran out of time this felt pretty heavy too
B. 35, 55, 75, 90, 105# this got heavy quick, i wasn't sure at the weights at first because I've never attempted a weighted chest to bar pull up.
8:28, holy smokes this was terrible.  I just had no "GO" in me.  My body felt like I was moving in slow motion.  But I finished it anyway.  yuk 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Growing the last few days

Growing Closer to Him

Scripture: In everything give thanks, for this is My will for you. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Reflection: Probably the best way to grow any relationship is to be thankful and humble to that person.  That goes for your friends, family, and Jesus.

Duty:  List 5 things that you are thankful for.  Then pray and talk to Jesus about those 5 things.  Listen to what the Holy Spirit says to you. 

Building the Temple

Oly Lifting Seminar 


Learned a lot this afternoon.  I clean and jerked 160#, just missed 170# on the jerk.  I was really close but ran out of time for a second attempt.  I also pr'd my snatch @215#.  I missed 225# three times. I caught i forward each time.  I've learned that I have a bad habit of not shrugging my shoulders all the way up causing me to pull the bar forward. I really loved this workshop and look forward to fixing my bad habits, and lifting heavy weight.

Day of Rest

20 min row
A. on the min touch and go pwr snatches x3 @ 155#
B.  5 sets to build to a heavy single front squat
C.  5 sets to build to a heavy single weighted pull up

5 rounds
6 Muscle Ups
10 GHDs
10 Burpees


good row then went for a walk with my daughter and pup.  
A. Really felt good on the snatching.  saturdays instructions helped.
B.  315, 325, 335, 345, 360pr really felt fast on this.  I have more in the tank
C.  70, 100, 120, 130, 140
METCON score, 8:24. holy smokes GHD's and MUs were horrible on the old abdominals.  did the first three rounds unbroken. then broke mu to 3-3, last round broke the mu to 2-2-2. arms were burring pretty good by the third round. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Thursday & Friday

Growing Closer to Him

Scripture: Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. 
Philippians 2:3-4 ESV

Reflection:  If we all practiced this everyday, the world would be full of  love.  

Duty:  Today do something for someone.  This would be even better if it were a complete stranger.  Bless them some how some way.  My favorite is paying for someones meal who is behind me in line. 

Building the Temple

Row 15min easy pace
2hours later did
On the Minute 12min
3 touch and go power cleans @ 225#
3 sets @ 80%, 90%, 100%
500m row
3 rope climbs
30 wall balls 20#
20 box jumps 30"
15 toes to bar
40 Double unders

Rowing done feeling good
OTM done with no misses.  This was extra today. making up for yesterday because i didn't get anything done.
80% - 6:24
90% - 5:41
100% - 5:44 - I fell off the box jump and got stuck between the box and wall.  kinda funny wish i had it on tape. 
i feel the hardest part of these sets was making myself get up the rope.  the other movements I can turn the brain off and just go. But the rope climb takes some brain power. 

Row easy pace 20min
A. Build to a heavy single Thruster quickly.
rest 4-5min then do
AMRAP 15min
30 burpees
15 thrusters 65#
25 burpees
15 thrusters 95#
20 burpees 
15 thrusters 135#
15 burpees
15 thrusters 165#
10 burpees
with remaining time thruster 185#

Good row this morning.  some shoulder mobility after.
A. thrustered 245#, 10# pr. 
metcon score - 164, wow this one hurt. the 165# felt like one rep max attempts at the end.  broke 165 up in 2s.  I felt like I didn't really stop moving till I got to the end of 135 weights. and made sure I kept a steady pace on the burpees. I took a little extra time at the end of the 165 because i did not want to miss any reps. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Monday was a packed out day; God is good

Growing Closer to Him

Scripture: Therefore if and man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things become new.

Reflection:  When you become saved, you no longer have any shame or guilt.  You are made new and clean. 

Duty:  Say a pray to Christ, and ask him to lift any burden you are carrying around.  This will make your relationship with Him stronger.  

Building the Temple

Open WOD 13.5
AMRAP 4min
15 Thrusters, 100#
15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
if you complete 3 rounds in the 4min time frame attempt an additional 3 rounds in the next 4 minute. Continue till you don't make it.
A. Clean and Jerk touch n go, 3rep max
B. Did the CrossFit Candor's class WOD
For time
800m run
+ 3rounds
25 wall balls 20#
12 pull ups
800m run

156 reps, Im happy with my score since I beat my old score from last year. not to mention I only got 2 hours of sleep the night before at the fire house.
A. 165, 185, 205, 215. Stopped here because my lower back was feeling really tight. I didn't want to push it too hard with the Open being next week. 
METCON: score 11:05went at it at a good 80%.  Felt great.  I did this workout instead of the other OHS one because it looked like a lot of fun and the guys wanted me to join them. 

5 sets of
1min row
1min hand stand walks
1min jog
1min skip rope
1min FLR

WOW I AM SORE! This recovery work really helped me today.  Looking forward to tomorrow!

Saturday, February 15, 2014


Growing Closer to Him

Scripture: Come to me with all your weaknesses:  physical, emotional, and spiritual.  Rest in the comfort of My Presence, remembering that nothing is impossible with Me.  (Luke 1:37)

Reflection:  As someone who works two jobs, has a family, and trying to train for a sport; my days can put this verse to the top of the list.  I'm contstantly ask God to help me though my tired days. 

Duty:  Lets list three things that make your days kinda tough on you.  Now lets pray on those things and give them to God to burden.  Amen. 

Building the Temple

Row 15min and 30min mobility
2hours later
for time
5 rounds
7 Muscle Ups
21 Burpees
3 sets for time
6 Muscle Ups
12 Toes to bar
12 Box Jumps, 24"
rest 2min
A. Power Snatch 5 rep Touch n go max
B. Push Press 3x5 @31x1 tempo

For time
10 Dead lifts 315#
9 Muscle ups
8 Dead lifts 315
7 muscle ups

felt good to move little stiff this morning.
Ryan score: 10:12.  arms were on fire after this one.  stayed pretty consitant on burpee pace.
warm up score - :57, :52, :52.  arms little heavy from this morning workout. 
A. 135#, 155#, 170#, 180#, got 190# for 2 but missed the 3rd pull behind me.  I felt like i could have gotten 190# but when I went to retry I was pretty wiped out. 
B.  135, 145, 155 this was kinda hard.  felt a lot like strict pressing just a little bit slower. 
METCON score 6:23.  My back actually felt pretty good after this which I was kinda worried about.  My arms are officially done for the day.  Around 88 muscle ups in a day is kinda a lot.  I missed the very last MU in this WOD.  

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thursday @ the firehosue; finally some sunshine

Growing Closer to Him

Scripture:  Philippians 3:9 I could not make myself acceptable to God by obeying the Law of Moses. God accepted me simply because of my faith in Christ. (CEV)

Reflection:  You can't use the law please God.  You still need to mind the law and not break these rules. But God wants your unconditional love and faith.  

Duty:  How are you living for God?  Write down three things you do in your life that you think pleases God.  Now pray on them and see what the Holy Spirit says to you.    

Building the Temple

5 rounds for time
15 Thrusters, 95#
15 Pull Ups
15 Burpees

I was able to get in three rounds in 6:09, I had a little emergancy. But went back and finished the last two rounds.  For the last couple weeks I've been having a hard time with my breathing.  I have some kinda head cold now.  Besides not being able to breath I feel like my head is in a fog.  hopefully it will go away soon!!!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Growing Closer to Him

Scripture: Hebrews 12:14 Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. (NIV)

Reflection: Strive to be like Jesus.  It goes with the old saying, "What would Jesus do?"  

Duty:  Make mends with people in your life.  If you cross paths with someone then give them a happy smile and hello.  You never know if that simple gesture could make the biggest impact on that person's day.

Building the Temple

20min row easy pace
3sets not for time
12 chest to bar
20m handstand walks
50 Double Unders
A. Hang Power Snatch, build to quick single
B. Jerk Grip Over head walk, heavy
Over Head Squats, 165#
Muscle Ups
OH WALKING LUNGES 165# 3rd set


Done feeling good, did around an hour of mobility after.
only did around 5-6 c2b pull ups because the pull up bar we have is a little sketchy and I racked my chin last week. 
A. 135. 155. 165. 175. 185. 195. 205fail
B. 135, 155, 165(video below)
score 7:21, shoulders feeling pretty warm.  I ran into failure at the end.  the OHS wasn't too bad once I got it overhead. 

Saturday and Sunday
Didn't do any training.

Open WOD 11.5
20min AMRAP
5 power cleans 145#

10 Toes to bar
15 Wall Balls 20#
Row 10min 
every min hop off and do 10m HS walks
rest 5min
Row 10min
every min hop off and do 1 power snatch @ 145#
rest 5min
row 10min 
hop off every min and do 30 sec FLR on rings(which I didnt have)


11 rounds, wall ball exploded on round 6.  so as i through it up it spilt rubber.  I got a bad abd cramp during this which was awful. 
got it done. felt good. 

Tuesday(@fire house)
A. 10min Build to a heavy single back squat (not 1rm)
B. 4 time
5 power cleans 145#
5 burpee over bar
rest 8min
20 burpees AFAP
400m run AFAP
rest 8min
700m row 
1min row easy
1min skipping rope
1min bike easy
1min hs walks
1min FLR on rings

A. 225, 275, 315, 375, 395, 405 felt really good. stopped here, ran out of time. 
B. 1:12, 1:58, didnt have a rower that worked.  felt good on this.  wish I could have pushed a little harder on the run. couldnt get my legs to go.
Got it done. felt good to break a good sweat and be moving.  Did some mobility after.